ATT Singapore National Table Tennis League 2019


ATT Singapore National Table Tennis League 2019

League 2019


With the continuous success of ATT Singapore National Table Tennis League 2018, the championship league this year is bigger and better. Proudly organised by Singapore Table Tennis Players (STTP) and Tampines West CSC, ATT Singapore National Table Tennis Championship (SNTTL) 2019 will have teams vying for the coveted trophies in 7 Divisions!

As an all-inclusive society, once again we have invited para-athletes from Table Tennis Association for the Disabled (Singapore) to compete in Division 7.

This year, the categorisation for Division 1 to 6 is determined by the ATT Singapore National Table Tennis League 2018 ranking results which are listed in Annex A.

ATT SNTTL 2019 will see new rules and regulations this year. We will be allowing non-Singapore resident(s) and 1 Singapore National athlete to register with each team.  This is only applicable to the Divisions 1 to 3. For more details, please refer to clause 4 of the rules and regulations. With these rules allowing participation of Singapore National athletes and non-Singapore residents, the intention is to help raise the standards of our players with competitive sparring and boost the overall branding of this tournament.


Please click and refer to the following essential information:


1)     Pre-registration Online

2)     Rules and Regulations

3)     2018 Team Ranking and Division (Annex A)

4)     2018 Players’ Name in Division 1 to 6 (Annex B)

5)     2019 ATT Singapore National Table Tennis Championship League Division 1 to 6 Team

6)     2019 ATT Singapore National Table Tennis Championship League Division 7 Grouping and Qualifiers Match Schedule

7)     2019 Team Manager Briefing updated

8)     2019 Team and Players Names List Rev1

9)     2019 Division 1-7 Fixtures for 27-28 Jul 2019 @OTH

10)   2019 ATT Singapore National Table Tennis Championship League Official Result